VØ Surfshop est. 2011

At Vø Surfshop, we offer instruction in both paddle surfing and SUP, whether you are experienced or a beginner. Our cool instructors are ready to help you.

SUP Safari: take a day trip out into the beautiful Thy. Here you will be taken to the start of our carefully selected route from which you will SUP. Included is food and drink + transportation back home.

For more surf follow our Instagram

VØ Surfboards

We have been making surfboards under our own name for the past 10 years. Out of deep respect for the raw and constantly changing sea, we continue to make collections of boards that can be used on the West Coast. It was the passion for surfing and the wild beautiful waves that drove us to start this adventure.

If you have any questions about our boards, please feel free to contact us at EMAIL.


School and surf
rental prices:

Stay tuned, prices will be updated soon…
